content by mrwonko
Return to FlatOut 2 modding
Hello Covid world
Using letsencrypt certificates with a Taskwarrior server
In lieu of catching up: October 2015 - July 2017
Catching up: September 2015
Thesis done, now what?
A MAZE 2015
Projects plans
I support paid mods.
on compiler bugs
Website relaunch
On "GamerGate" and hateful people
Extending the Scope
PlayStation 3 impressions & more
Not happening any time soon? Humbug!
A MAZE 2014
It's jammed!
OpenJK for the win!
Exams: Done.
The Essentials
Wait, e-books?
Review: SFML Game Development
University Summer Semester 2013
A MAZEing!
Oculus Rift
It's been a loooong time... again.
Jedi Academy source code!
inter-semester holiday - time to work?
Christmas holiday - time to work?
Frog Fractions is great, too, if totally differently.
Dishonored is actually great!
7 Day FPS
Back in action!
Gamescom 2012 Impressions
Odds and ends
Do I fulfill Valve's requirements?
What have I done?
Doing nothing
Sometimes I can't think of a good title.
screwing up Windows
Making money
GTK Radiant 1.6
The Whispered World
first contact with .NET
3 months later...
Portal 2, lost Yah, potatoes and Ludum Dare
Abitur, Bulletstorm, coding
cleaning up
TIGCompo: Versus
finished: Sam & Max: Season 2
1m Minecraft Sales
Happy New Year 2011!
Programming again :-)
Christmas! Minecraft! Skyrim!
More programming?
Humble Indie Bundle 2
Completed: Darksiders
HDD not working again, actually.
HDD Working again?
Snow? Already? And where is my HDD?
Steam Give & Get Sale
coding again
Recently playing: Darksiders, Dead Rising 2, Borderlands, Metro 2033
I'm happy :-)
I've been silent - because I was busy.
Holiday's over, GamesCom too
ROFF - the Raven Object File Format reverse engineered
Free Game: Alien Swarm
I've got a website!
PySixense 3.4
PySixense 3.3
Mini Blue Box Boy (LD22)
Blender 2.64a Jedi Academy Suite
Razer Hydra DirectInput Wrapper 0.5
Blender 2.62 ROFF im-/exporter
Blender 2.62 MD3 Exporter 1.5.1
Fluttershy Jedi Academy playermodel
Blender 2.58a MD3 Exporter 1.5
JK:JA Map Pack #1
Maze Game
Hard Reset No Intro Mod
Year of the Rooster
Blender 2.49 ASE importer
Wildfire Simulation
Blender 2.49 ROFF im-/exporter
Sith Lightsaber Archiv
func_breakables respawnen
Vehikel mit eigenem Skin
Visibility / Map Leaked
Clipping Tool (Brushes zerschneiden)
Leitern - mal anders
Detailbrushes - Einsatz
Richtlinien für Texturen
Detailbrushes - Funktionsweise