Christmas holiday - time to work?
Thu 03 January 2013 in Mixed. Tags: Blender, Job, Programming, University, Videogames. By mrwonko.
So Christmas happened. That means I get/got two weeks of holiday, starting Christmas and ending next weekend. A lot of time, I told myself beforehand. Surely I can finish a lot of work!
Here's what I've done so far:
- Finished Gemini Rue. Great story!
- Finished Max Payne 3.
- Got myself a Steering Wheel so racing games are more fun, and played some. It's nice, but gets in the way when trying to use the keyboard.
- Played boardgames with friends. Great fun!
And here's what I had planned to do:
- None of the above
- Write a Blender Plugin for a friend
- Improve my Blender Ghoul 2 Plugin
- Write documentation for my Blender Plugins
- Update my Python binding of the Sixense SDK (for the Razer Hydra motion controller) to Python 3.3 (which probably requires recompiling Boost.Python - how I loathe that!)
- Write a game for Uni (that's supposed to be finished by the 14th - guess I won't be making that this Semester)
- Do some other Uni work (some of which is supposed to be done ASAP, at the very last before next Monday, some by the 17th, some by the 18th)
- Finish Reverse Engineering Flatout 2's level format so custom maps are possible
- Get a coding job, maybe at Daedalic
In conclusion: I'm a lazy bum. Woe is me! It's not like I really dislike any of the above, so I'm not even sure why I don't do it.
So, does that lead to any resolutions for the new year? I... don't know? Maybe? I could participate in One Game A Month, it's really in my best interest. And how about another handy To-Do list of things I want to get done this year?
- All of the above
- Help iojamp by writing a Ghoul 2 renderer
- Finish Spirits of the Sith
Here's to another year of not getting as much done as I'd like.
So long,
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