Odds and ends
Sun 07 October 2012 in Videogames. Tags: Videogames, Planetary Annihilation, Total Annihilation, Anachronox, Humble Bundle, Borderlands 2, Darksiders 2. By mrwonko.
A couple of things from recent months that don't warrant a whole post each:
- A couple of friends and I backed Planetary Annihilation, a spiritual successor to Total Annihilation, which I admittedly did not play, and, to a lesser extent, Supreme Commander, which I played lots of with friends. It looks amazing and I'm looking forward to playing the Beta and the final product.
- I turned 20. Yay?
- Exam time. I passed all, but somewhat worse than I would've liked in two cases. Due to me lazily learning to little.
- After spending €100 in the Steam Summer Sale I decided not to spend so much money on games I'm likely never going to play. I only slipped up when I bought Total Annihilation and Anachronox on gog.com and the Humble Bundle 6. I don't think Borderlands 2 and Darksiders 2 count, buying games at full price is fine: You can't buy as many, you're more likely to play them and it actually makes a difference to the publisher and possibly (hopefully) the developer. And I'm playing Borderlands with friends, so that's a good reason, too. It's the difference between buying a game because you really want to play it versus buying it because it's cheap. Oh, and there's also this great article on Rock, Paper, Shotgun.
- I got a new computer, mostly. Kept my BluRay drive, my HDDs, the PSU and the case, but got a new 128GB SSD, an i5-3570K, an HD6950, 16GB Ram and a Motherboard to go with it. It's wonderful. The prospect of Planetary Annihilation made me be a bit more generous with regards to the CPU, which probably wasn't a bad thing.