ld25 — 6 of 12


Release 1

Chapter 3 - Acquiring an Evil Lair, minions and a Death Laser

Preparation is a scene. Preparation begins when Finding Purpose ends. Preparation ends when the cat is in the Evil Lair and the computer is switched on and the computer is on the table and the player is in the chair and the Death Laser is ready.

A button is a kind of thing. It is usually fixed in place. A button can be pushed.

Understand "use [a button]" as pushing.

[ Changing behaviour of taking people (to allow taking the cat)]

The can't take other people rule is not listed in the check taking rulebook.

Check taking something(called the object):

if the object is people and the object is no animal:

say "You'd like some evil minions, but [the object] is not obedient enough." instead.