Crystal Saber

By Woohoo
Date: 05-18-2002



Title: Sweet Crystal Saber

File Name: crystalsaber.pk3

Description: Crystal saber

Date of Release: 05/12/02

Author\'s Real Name: ----------

Author\'s Jedi Knight 2 Nickname: Woohoo

Author\'s Details: wwaaaasssssssssaaaaappp

Machine tested on: pentium 3 1.7ghz Optiplex 110 (gforce 2) 256ram, blah blah blah

Author\'s Email

Playing/Installation Instructions

Unzip the file - \"crystalsaber.pk3\" into the GameData/Base Directory
of where ever you installed Jedi Knight 2. Then go into the game
and play it.

Disclaimer/Legal Stuff

This Skin is not made, distributed or supported by Activision or
Lucasarts Entertainment Company LLC. Elements TM.

This Saber has been tested

You may distrubute this file as you wish, as long as the readme
file is attached, it is unedited and I am given full credit. Please
do NOT take any part of this skin and use it in something else
without my prior permission.