Yarael Poof SP

By Shikar
Date: 06-24-2006




TITLE:SP yarael poof
DESCRIPTION:this replaces the kyle model with yarael poof model in sp and mp.
It also replaces kyle sounds with yarael sounds.
instalation:extract yaraelsp.pk3 to c\program files\lucasarts\gamedata\base folder.
Start a new game in SP.after,do whatever you want,but first,start a new game.
It is nessesary(spelling?) to start a new game ONLY the first time you go into SP to avoid saber troubles
Bugs:I havent noticed bugs,but if you do,e-mail me at lipra@sbb.co.yu
just put "jk2 mod" or something like that in the subject

Psykosith and Neomarz made the yarael poof model and sounds.I simply replaced the kyle model and sounds with it.

http://jediknight2.filefront.com/file/Yarael_Poof;8813 is the link to their model