Temple of Count Dooku (1.0)

By Chris Mahoney
Date: 07-05-2002
Version: 1.0




Title: Temple of Count Dooku
Version: 1.0
Author: Jedi Master/Kyle_KatarnJedi AKA Chris Mahoney
E-Mail: jedimaster@christiangaming.org
Website: None Yet!

File Name: templeofdooku.zip
Date Released: July3, 2002
Type: Single Player

To play, go into the console and type "map templeofdooku"

It has been 10 years since Kyle Katarn defeated Desann.
He and Jan are currently married with two children Morgan,
and Kyle Jr. However, unbeknownst to Kyle a New Menace is
arising in the Galaxy! This Sith Lord has found the Secret
Location of the Valley of the Jedi! This Sith Lord is not like'
He does not have the brain the size of a pea. Luke�s Academy has
flourished and the New Republic has just about eliminated all of
the Remnant Troops. Jedi�s now number in the Thousands, instead
of the hundreds, and Kyle is teaching at the Academy.

�Luke�.Luke? Is something the matter?� Asked Kyle.

� No�You know It has been 18 years since the Empire was defeated.
I guess that with Desann, The Reborn�s, and My Clone! Have gotten
me to thinking about my father.� Responded Luke.

�Well Jayden is here to see you� said Kyle. �Ok� Replied Luke.

Kyle walked out to Jayden, and told him that he could go in now.
Luke looked up at the sky and thought, thought about his father,
and how he went from a powerful Jedi Master to an Evil Sith Lord.

� Master�Master� asked Jayden. � Oh Sorry I was thinking about
something can I help you� Replied Luke.

�Well Sir, Kyle said that when was ready you would take me to meet
your Sister� � Jayden�yes let me get ready� I will be with you
momentarily� Replied Luke.

�Sir You don�t have to do that, She is here�now� said Jayden

�Well then please show her in�� said Luke

Luke and Leia Talked and she told him about the senate,
and how hard it has been to regain control after the little
uprising with Desann and all.

Luke, Since he had had to defeat his own clone in the torgunte
sector had not been the same, for some reason the death of his
clone bothered him. He did not understand why�it bothered him,
it just did. Luke tried to shake the feeling but he couldn�t.
He ordered his personal transport ship readied for a trip to Tatoine.
As Luke got ready�Kyle walked in and asked him what was wrong.

�I feel that I may be falling to the dark side� Luke said.

�Really�I know that temptation. Is there anyth-� asked Kyle

�No�I need to be alone� interrupted Luke.




�Ok�� Replied a Puzzled Kyle

Luke�s transport took off and as soon as he was out of sight Kyle
opened the package. To much of Kyle�s surprise, he found Luke�s
Light saber. Kyle could well understand why Luke gave up his light
saber. Kyle after all knows too well, the torment that comes with
the temptation of the Dark side.

�Jayden, hold up�� yelled young Obi-Qui-Gon �Where are you going?�
asked Obi-Qui-Gon.

� I am headed to see General Solo, he needs help
in rebuilding the Falcon.�

�Can I come� Asked Obi-Qui-Gon. Jayden
replied with a nod and they left.

�The Dark Side�. Can, be very powerful. You must learn to fight the
temptation of it. Believe me that it can be very easy to fall. Many
Jedi�s since the start of time have fallen, because they thought that
they could defeat the Dark side.� Kyle continued on with the lesson for
that day.

�Jayden hand me that flux capacitor, will you?� asked General Solo

�Sure here you go�I�ll need the hydrocoaxtormat� said Jayden

Jayden and General Solo became so involved with their work that
they didn�t notice Obi-Qui-Gon leave. Obi-Qui-Gon walked through
the Jedi temple, he felt that because he was smaller than all the
others that no one cared about him. Kyle noticed him out his window
in his quarters. Kyle walked down to talk with Obi-Qui-Gon.

�You�ok?� asked Kyle

�I guess so� replied Obi-Qui-Gon

�What�s the matter?� asked Kyle

�I�m smaller than all the other Jedi�s in Training. Everyone is bigger
than me. I don�t think that I�ll ever be a good Jedi�
Explained Obi-Qui-Gon

�You know, I know that you think that you will never go far in the
height department. But, in all of my classes you are the best.
I know that if you keep your eyes on the force, then you will become
a mighty jedi.�

The two walked and talked for about 3 hours and they learned a lot
about each other. The time came when they returned to the Academy,
only to find everyone running around and getting the X wings ready.

� What�s going on?� asked Kyle.

A Rebel Pilot handed him a data pad, and Kyle fell back in shock.
A Jedi was murdered by none other than a Sith Lord. Not a Reborn or
Dark Jedi, but a Sith Lord. Also an Attack was in progress at Corsaunt. The X- wings took off and Kyle went to Luke�s office to raise him on his Ship.

�Luke�come in�.Luke Come in�.Come in Luke��

Kyle had no success in raising Luke, the only thing now is to wait
until the X-Wings return. Then Obi-Qui-Gon came running in and had
a very strange look on his face.

�Master Kyle!� said a pale faced Obi-Qui-Gon.

�What is it?� replied Kyle.

�Sir�a� Sith Lord is attacking the students� told Obi-Qui-Gon.

�What!!!!!� said Kyle.

�Yes sir�.a Sith Lord.� Said Obi-Qui-Gon.

Kyle rushed out of the office to notice the familiar face of 10 reborn
Jedi�s and the Blood Red color of a Sith lords saber.

�Shuuuvvvvummmmm� went Kyle�s Blue Lightsaber.

Kyle Jumped and kicked the Sith Lord right in the chest. Kyle and
The Sith Lord fought for about 10 minutes, then Kyle was injured
by the Sith Lord�s Saber.

�Ahhhhhhhrrrrreeeggggg� Screamed Kyle

�Well the mighty Kyle Katarn has fallen�AHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. Take his
Lightsaber. Lets Go we�ve got what we came for.� Said the Hooded Sith

Kyle is helped to his feet and taken to the medical facilities. He
only sustained a superficial wound from the Lightsaber. He couldn�t
understand why they would want his Lightsaber, and why this Sith
Lord would just injure him and not take his whole arm off. To
add to the problems, Kyle has no more contact with Luke and fears
the worst. The materials to make a new Lightsaber were stolen by
the reborn and the Sith Lord. Kyle has remembered an old legend
about Count Dooku. Kyle when to the Sacred Archives and took out
the Scroll of the Lost Lightsaber. He Read the scroll aloud.

� In temple dark and deep is a Lightsaber that was for him to keep.
To find it you must go to places far and wide, then look LOW and High�

The Rest of the scroll was damaged, but Kyle knew where he had to go.
So off he went to find the lost Lightsaber of Count Dooku, to
find Luke, and take down this new Sith Lord!
