Tiny Empire

By Zahriel Omega
Date: 04-13-2002



- Tiny Empire -

Ho ho ho. when you install this, all imperial troops in singleplayer will be *TINY* (lil stormtroopers running about on the floor, awwww) and a couple robots will be MASSIVE!

One thing to note is that this addon should not be used in conjunction with any other addon which modifies the npcs.cfg file, it probably won't work otherwise.


---How to use this?---

Extract "tinyempire.pk3" into your "Jedi Outcast/GameData/base" directory and it'll work. To remove this addon just delete the file from the directory.

---Last comments---

This is just damn silly :D


- Zahriel Omega - http://www.zahrielomega.com