Playing Jedi Academy in 2025

Saber Man

By Rich Whitehouse
Date: 09-09-2006




TITLE: Saber Man
GAME: Jedi Knight 2 Multiplayer
Author: Rich Whitehouse
Description: Jedi Master is replaced by the new Saber Man gametype.
Web site:
Date: 2006-09-06
This mod changes the rules of the Jedi Master gametype, and turns the Jedi
Master into a man made purely of sabers. When killed, saberman explodes in
multiple rays of saber death and kills everyone in the area. Saber Man can
also inflict damage by touching and rolling into enemies.

To install, extract the zip to your gamedata folder with directory structure.
You should end up with a folder under your gamedata folder named "saberman".
Start the game, go to the mod menu under setup, and activate the SABERMAN mod.
Then start a server as usual (the only gametype available should be SABERMAN).

This mod is for multiplayer JK2 only.