Playing Jedi Academy in 2025

Bot Co-op

By Rishnik
Date: 07-03-2002



Bot Co-op Mod

---Author details---------------------------------------------------------

Author id : Rishnik
Name : Andrew Keunen
Email :
Website :

---File details-----------------------------------------------------------

Description : This is a small bot pack designed for use in Co-op MP. The two bots included
in the mod are a Stormtrooper and a Reborn, but they will not attack each
other, only everyone else. So, if you (and any other players) will be the
bots only target. It may not be the best co-op, but I think its the best
available at the moment.
Installation instructions : Extract the coopbots.pk3 into your gamedata/base directory found in the JK2 folder. To use the bots, just add the bots like usual. The names of the coop bots are DarkJedi and Stormtrooper (most likely found at the end of the list).
This mod/bot pack is compatible with other mods like The Fans Version and
JK2++, and I recommend using these mods while playing because they are very
good, and suit these bots well.
Filesize : 3.77 KB
Build date : 2nd July, 2002
Version : 1.0
Version History : 1.0 - Initial release


This is required by the LEC licence agreement.

* I admit that *

1. My Level works only with the retail version of the
Software, and does not work with any demo or OEM versions
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2. My Level does not modify any COM, EXE, DLL or other executable files.
3. My Level does not contain any illegal, scandalous,
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(as may be determined by LEC in its sole discretion), or
any material that infringes any trademarks, copyrights,
protected works, publicity, proprietary, or other rights
of any third party or of LEC.
4. My Level does not include any LEC sound effects or music files or
portions thereof.
5. My Level identifies in every description file, on-
line description, read-me, and in comments in the New
Level code: (a) the name, address, and e-mail address of
the level's creators, and (b) the following disclaimer:
6. My Level may not be sold, bartered, or distributed with
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7. By distributing or permitting the distribution of any New
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and distribute by any means (whether now known or here-
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Raven and LucasArts for Jedi Outcast, and all the other great games they have contributed on.
The people at forums for the help and support.


I dont care, knock yourself out. Just send us an email telling me that your going to.