Ankans Saber

By Ankan
Date: 07-02-2002



Authors name: Ankan aka ***************** ( I'm from sweden =) )

Website: I-don' <--- not a real one :)

Built time: hum... around 5 sec maybe...

"Things used": Photoshop and Jediknight II (duh...)

Comp tested on: a bad one ;)

Install: Simply exctract the made-by-Ankan.pk3 into ur gamedata/base folder.

This will change the orange lightsaber to a red-yellow one.

I got the idea from the purple-orange (???) lightsaber. Give him (?) some credits if you like it.

I made this because I thought some lightsabers were cool but they had a anoyying (YES I KNOW I CAN'T SPELL) blur or something like that, so I made my own (I got like 10 diff (:D) but I won't send in all of 'em). And it turned out good (??).

E-Mail: E-Mail me if you like it :) (You can ask after lightsabers if you want but it's not sure I can make it).