Carnage Mod (0.01)

By Ray
Date: 04-09-2002
Version: 0.01



Carnage Mod v 0.01 by Ray

What This Mod Does:
Kyle has a red saber
All Weapons have infinite ammo
Weapons have an extremely HIGH rate of fire
(Except the Flechette, which is evil and causes spawn crashes when sped up)
All Character models can be dismembered
An alternate ending. Starts during the last chat with Desann. Subtitles must be on to view it.
cheats bound to keys

Drop this in your Jedi Knight 2 gamedata\base\ folder, and play the game as (ab)normal. There's a way to use it as a mod in via the menu instead, so as not to have it on all the time, and I'll bet you it's easy, and it'll come to me right after you get this file, but I can't remember right now. You can always look it up on the 'net.

Using the Cheat Keys:
Open up the console (It's supposed to be tilde~ but on my machine, I have to hold shift and press tilde)
type in:
exec config.cfg
and press enter (You only have to do this the once, unless you rebind some keys)

=The cheat keys are=
F12 Enable cheat mode

f7 Multiple limb dismemberment, even after death
F11 God mode
F10 All weapons, items, full ammo, "mana"
n Enemies wont target you (but they will target friendlies, such as Jan)
m No clipping

=Force Powers=
f1 Saber throw, level 3
f2 Saber offense, level 3
f3 Saber defense, level 3
f4 Force Jump, Level 3
f5 Force Grip, Level 3
f6 Force Lightning, Level 3
f6 Force Heal, Level 3

=Spawn Codes=
F9 Spawns a drivable ATST
insert Spawns Luke Skywalker (cut off his hand...har har)
home Spawns Lando
pageup Spawns Mon Mothma
delete Spawn Galak (The wimpy one)
end Spawns Desann
pagedown Spawns tavion


Q1) Why did my game crash while firing _____ gun?

A) When given too high of a fire rate, some weapons crash the game. I tested all the weapons thoroughly, and none of them crash my computer, so hopefully, you won't have a problem. If you do, drop me a line @ (GASP! I'm an AOLer! No wonder I don't know how to use the mod menu!)

Q2) Why didn't I get the "alternate" ending/ Why did the real ending speech play during it?

A) Turn on the subtitles/The sound of the real ending IS over the alternate ending. I might throw in some blank mp3s to cover them up at a later date, but they have to be long enough for you to read the subtitles, so if it bugs you, just turn your speakers off.

Q3) Why did you make the weapons so fast? It's too easy.

A) You may consider this cheating, and believe all cheaters should be thrown down a death star shaft. If you want to turn off the weapon speeds/ammo, just open the mod in winzip and delete weapons.dat.

Q4) Why can't I get into the "Drivable" ATST?

A) First, you have to be on top of it. Use force jump to get on top of the back of it, then slowly walk forward and hammer the use key. This usually works for me. If you get too close to the front, you'll fall through the model.

Q5) Why is the alternate ending so crappy?

A) I think It's on/slightly above par with episode 1. That and it was 3:00 AM and I was running on nothing but caffiene and nicotine.


I know somebody already did a dismemberment mod. But there was a character or two you couldn't dismemeber. All NPCs can be dismembered here. (Mon Mothma, you had it coming.)

May the schwartz be with you, always.
-Ray (