Sounds Remix V2

By Aidy
Date: 04-01-2003




Developer : Aidy

Homepage :

Email :

This is version2 of my sounds remix, I found too easy for people to sneak up
on you with quieter jetpack sound! (Usually when lamers that are constantly
attacking you the old file had its disadvantages!)

The sounds are still not as loud as the origonal jediPLUS jetpack sounds,
but are a lot easier to hear without being too loud.

And have added a nice dance remix of Duel of the Fates. Instructions are below:

Sounds RemixV2 : Place in your mod folder, (JediPLUS and/or OmniMOD)
This replaces jetpack sounds and makes sabers sound more crisp.
Older version(Sounds Remix), if you have it will have to be moved out of folder I would assume.
(not tested)


Saber sound credit goes to creator of the Perfect EpII Blades Mod.
(His text is in zip too)
Jetpack sounds were changed by myself using existing Jedi Knight2 sounds
found in the assets0.pk3 file, some .mp3's had to be converted to .wav but
other than that quite straight forward.

Duel of the Fates Dance Remix: Place in your base folder.
This replaces Duel music with a neat dance remix of the duel of fates.
You will need to remove any other pk3 file that you are using to replace
Duel music as it will revert back to the origonal one from the game.
Thanks to Cupid_Stunt(UK) for the music file, I just structured it into a useable pk3


Just remove them from folders.
