Playing Jedi Academy in 2025

Zam Wessels Sniper Rifle (1.0)

By Mars Marshall
Date: 01-07-2003
Version: 1.0




Jedi Knight II: Jedi Outcast

Mace Windu VM
Model Name: "zam rifler.pk3" (verson 1.0)

Modeler/Skinner: NeoMarz1 (Mars)
Imports/Maps/Help: Locutus (creator of Westar model)


Whats new: Well, If you've been following the "Zam project" on jedi forums, you already know that this is just an early release.
I plan to release version 2.0 with the Zam Wesell model I'm currently working on!

1) Zam's actual reticule design (from the movie).
2) Fully detailed rifle.
3) Accurate model (actually laid over photo scans)
***Note: This will replace the Disruptor, but you can easily change it back if you want.

Plans for 2.0 I will add sounds, and fire effects from the movie!


Special Thanks to: "Lord Tnuc" His imagination inspired me to even consider doing the rifle, He really has a lot of great ideas.
"Locutus" For actually getting the model into the game, If it were'nt for his help, you would'nt have seen this model so soon! He turned out to be a reliable source of help.
"KSK H20" For help posting screenshots, and figuring out the Alpha channels for the reticule. I learned a lot from his advice, which has proven to be of great need through this project!
"T3rrOr" He helped with the reticule as well, and always is very helpful in the Jedi Forum community!
"Jolts" For his modeling suggestions (primarily on the Zam model)
"Padawan 7" for his suggestions, and help.
"Moooa" For being such a great modeler, and inspiring me to do my best on the current Zam project. (I still hope to see your model finished)

Concept: Based on Zam Wesell's rifle seen in Episode III


Place this pk3 file from this zip archive into the JKII/gamedata/base/ directory
Note: It will replace the "Disruptor" sniper rifle in the game. I you wish to put the disruptor back, simply take the "Zam rifler" pk3 back out.

*Information *

Size: 284 kb

LOD support - NO

* Copyright / Permissions *
This model, and the textures that came with it are not to be modified
in any way without the permision of it's creators.
Certain Sound files within are the copyright of Lucas Arts.

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