Playing Jedi Academy in 2025

Alaris Lightsaber

By Alaris
Date: 07-12-2002



Note: I am using the format set forward by Tim Appleby, "Spacemonkey" Author of Aurra Sing,
for this readme. So yeah, i know i'm copying. (me too--Alaris)

Jedi Knight II: Jedi Outcast
<06/25/02>. Alaris V1.6
Model Name: "saberalaris.pk3"

Model + Import: Ryan "Alaris" Hutchings
Skin: Same



credits: I 'borrowed' the hand models from Max Payne. Everything else is original.
Thanks to Eets'Chula for wonderful suggestions and support.

Concept: Based off the lightsaber of a personal Star Wars RPG Character "Alaris Tray'Cing"

info: Read Below for installation and background info.


Alaris was my very first model.....ever. The lightsaber had a little more experience
going into it.

KNOWN ISSUES: None. This lightsaber is PERFECT! ;)


put the pk3 file from this zip archive into the jedioutcast/gamedata/base/ directory.
I recommend the whitesaber mod from Zahriel Omega. The red hilt looks best with a
white blade. If you want this mod and can't find it, email me at

V 1.6 Corrected lightsaber tag in hand in alaris model. Added third "wheel" button on
back of saber (to control lenght essentially). Reskinned red hilt to metallic sheen.

*Information *


Polycount: 828
Custom sounds No

LOD support - NO -- this model replaces kyle's in SP and MP.



Alaris' first lightsaber was his father's. His father had modeled a new lightsaber upon leaving
the jedi order, retiring his previous lightsaber out of respect to the order. The handle was red
to represent the royal color of the family. And his blade was white to represent purity--a
reminder of the virtues of the Light Side of the Force.

After Alaris defeated Balis, a dark chiss lord, Alaris modeled a new lightsaber, from his
father's, adding an ergonomic grip and a longer handle. Alaris is known to turn up the intensity
of his lightsaber to blind his opponents while he attacks with his eyes closed. Righteous Fire.

* Copyright / Permissions *
Please don't use these models or names without my permission.


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