Playing Jedi Academy in 2025

Mon Calamari

By Moooa
Date: 01-26-2003




Jedi Knight II: Jedi Outcast

Ackbar (Mon Calamari Pack 1)
Model Name: "Mon_Calamari"

Model: Moooa
Skins: Moooa, for Gee "Da Admiral" ( & Moooa

Sounds: Moooa & Dark Reaper

Botfiles Moooa

Special Thanks: Everybody who supported me on
Specially to Heks Noxu and Kururin for their support
Hellfire Jedi and the other beta-tester
And Dark Reaper for the sound

Concept: Based on Admiral Ackbar see in Episode 6 : Return of the Jedi


Ackbar (taken from : The commander of the Alliance Fleet, Admiral Ackbar led the Rebel capital ships into the Battle of Endor. A member of the Mon Calamari species, Ackbar and his people manned the distinctive warships supplied to the Rebellion by that aquatic culture.

Ackbar developed the attack strategy for the Battle of Endor, and commanded the Mon Calamari Star Cruiser Home One. The combination of his proven military tactics and General Lando Calrissian's unorthodox maneuvers were enough to secure victory in the Alliance's most important battle.

Beyond the qualifications of his great skills and sterling character, Ackbar is a symbol to the rest of the galaxy: a symbol that the Alliance is fighting for everyone, no matter what their background or origin. The Empire, in contrast, has made discrimination against non-humans a longstanding policy.

Terpfen : He's the Ackbar's Chief Starship Mechanical. Before he was enslaved and tortured by the Empire. They have implanted an organic circuitryinto his brain forcing him to spy for them. He has notally given some important informations to the Imperials on the location of the Solo children, hidden on Anoth. After he has overriden his programming and confessed his betrayal to Ackbar. With him and Leia, they arrive in time on Anoth to stop the Imperials. Then Terpfen try to kill him over his betrayalbut Ackbar was able to stop him. After Terpfen return in his world to help rebuilding the floating cities.

Admiral Rieek : Rieek was enslaved by the Empire when he was young. The Emperor decide to make an experience on him and implanted a new brain, taken on one of his best commander, kill by the Rebellion. The operation was a complete success and Rieek become one of the best admiral of the Empire.

Vigo Morn (taken from : This Vigo worked for the Black Sun before the battle of Naboo and, therefore, before the official discovery of the Mon Calamari species in the galaxy. Nevertheless, Morn made several illegal activities from his quarter in Mon Calamari. After the death of Vigo Darnada, the masterful Black Sun mentioned all the vigos in Ralltiir. Morn would have gone there, but the assassin of Darnada, Darth Maul, found him in his quarter of Mon Calamari. Trying to save his life, Morn said to Maul where it would find to the other vigos, but Maul also killed the Mon Calamari and later it burned his quarter.

Gee : Gee was a green mon calamari, He is one of the shady characters of the galaxy.


This is my second model for jk2. This is the first pack of mon calamari. Soon there will be a pack with the jedi mon calamari and after one or 2 other model. The model moves not too bad, I know there are still bug in movement but it's due to the jk2 engine. There are 4 skins. For the skinners the model include 2 different heads with or without helmet and 2 differents legs (pants or boot).
For the sounds I have taken some sounds from xwing alliance (thanks again to dark reaper) for ackbar, have mix some sound from jedi outcast and have create others.
For Gee it's based on an original idea by da admiral and adjusted to the model by me.

Here the comments of Da Admiral:
I had a great time working on this skin. This is really a humerous outlook
on the model. If you have questions or comments, feel free to contact me at I warn the new skinners out there, Don't use my
skin as a base for anything, I used some very weird techniques in this. One
example is the hips_torso area, don't ask :)


This model, it's geometry, and textures are not to be modified, repackaged, or redistributed without the express permision of the creators. IF allowed, this readme.txt file MUST be included.


Place this pk3 file from this zip archive into the JKII/gamedata/base/ directory

*Information *

Polycount: 3218 / 2263 / 1018
bots Yes
Custom sounds Yes

LOD support - YES

* Copyright / Permissions *
This model, and the textures that came with it are not to be modified
in any way without the permision of it's creators.
The character Ackbar, Terpfen and Vigo Morn is copyright Lucas Arts.
Certain Sound files within are the copyright of Lucas Arts.

© 2002 LucasArts Entertainment Company LLC.
© 2002 Lucasfilm Ltd. & TM or ® as indicated.
All rights reserved. Used under authorization.
LucasArts and the LucasArts logo are trademarks
of Lucasfilm Ltd.
© Raven Software LTD 2002, Activision