Playing Jedi Academy in 2025

Cloakable Shadow Trooper

New version available! Find it here.

By [BP]DarkAngel
Date: 01-21-2003




Cloaked MP Shadow Trooper Version 1

Installation: This is slightly more complecated than usual,
as normal extract cloakedshadowtrooper.pk3 to
your gamedata\base directory.
Then extract the autoexec.cfg file to your
gamedata\base directory. NOTE: If you already
have a autoexec.cfg, copy the contents of the new
autoexec.cfg and paste them and the end of your
existing one.

File Info: Support for all game modes. No bot support as of yet.

Activating: To activeate the cloak, make sure you added autoexec.cfg
to your gamedata\base directory.
It contains 2 lines with switch between cloaked and
uncloaked models.

Q = Uncloaked
W = Cloaked

Info: It took me 3 days to work out the required shader coding
to get this right, i know lots of people have asked for
a MP cloaked shadowtrooper. But please don't pinch the code.
If you want to use it, please acknowledge me in your development.
I acknowledge 'ICEPOOL' for his yodaghost which pointed me in the
right direction. Please note though, i have not pinched his coding.
I made my own.

This is my 2nd skin :) (released)

Known Bugs: In CTF or Team FFA mode the binds dont work to cloak and uncloak.
You have to manually change skins, between JO's shadowtrooper and
my cshadowtrooper, I cant figure out why.

Developer: [BP]DarkAngel,,