Playing Jedi Academy in 2025


By Duncan_10158
Date: 01-16-2003




Jedi Knight II: Jedi Outcast 1/16/03
Model Name: "sebulba20.pk3", "sebulba_racer.pk3", "dug_jedi.pk3"

Author Mesh: Duncan_10158


Skins: inbredyokel and Duncan_10158

Sounds: recorded by Deetox

Concept: The strong Dug physique comes from evolution on a high gravity world. On Malastare, the Dugs are arboreal beings, brachiating among the canopies with alarming speed. They have built primitive villages called tree thorps in the Malastare forests of the western continent.
An especially dangerous Dug who could once be found roaming the streets of Mos Espa, Sebulba is a shifty Podracing champion who never lets such trite concepts as rules and sportsmanship get in the way of victory.
Sebulba is a perfectionist. He personally organizes and rehearses the bands that play his fanfare whenever he enters a racing arena. (


* Installation *

the sebulba20.pk3 file includes all models and skins. sebulba_racer.pk3 and dug_jedi.pk3 are only accessing these skins for not multiskin mod (see below) user. these two files doesnt work without sebulba20.pk3 installed.

Place the "sebulba20.pk3", "sebulba_racer.pk3", "dug_jedi.pk3" files in this folder
LucasArts\Star Wars JK II Jedi Outcast\GameData\base

To uninstall remove "sebulba20.pk3", "sebulba_racer.pk3", "dug_jedi.pk3" from your 'base' folder.


This Sebulba model has multiskin support, its a new mod feature wich hopefully soon will be out. it allows to have more the the regular three skins (default, red, blue) under one model.
To use multiskin either with a mod offering that or by typing in the console:

model sebulba/default : default skin
model sebulba/red : red skin
model sebulba/blue : blue skin
model sebluba/second : sebulba racer skin by inbredyokel
model sebulba/third : dug jedi skin by inbredyokel

If you use a multiskin mod or prefer to access the additional skins trough the console simply delete "sebula_racer.pk3" and "dug_jedi.pk3" in the \base folder. so you can save these places in the player model stockpile.
Contact me if you are interessted in making or adding multiskin to your mod. also if you want to make a multiskin model or additional skins for sebulba.

To get the most dug feeling i recommend to scale the model by 0.7
If you are using JediMod add the following lines into the tckmodel.cfg file:
"sebulba" 0.7 0
"sebulba_racer" 0.7 0
"dug_jedi" 0.7 0

*Information *

Polycount: 3512 (all surf on)
bots Yes
Custom sounds Yes

LOD support - Will come when there are no complains anymore :)

Special Thanks:
Hellfire, InsaneSith and t3rr0r for their endless suggestions
All at, they did.... its un.... its....
Tchouky and Dest for giving my sebulba the right size
the people at for support
and everyone that will ask to get mentioned here

* Copyright / Permissions *
The Dugs and the hole planet Malastate are copyright of Lucas Arts.

© 2002 LucasArts Entertainment Company LLC.
© 2002 Lucasfilm Ltd. & TM or ® as indicated.
All rights reserved. Used under authorization.
LucasArts and the LucasArts logo are trademarks
of Lucasfilm Ltd.
© Raven Software LTD 2002, Activision