Playing Jedi Academy in 2025

Mace Windu

By Toonces
Date: 12-17-2002



Jedi Knight II: Jedi Outcast

Mace Windu v1.1
Model Name: "ct_windu.pk3"

Model + Import: Toonces (
Skins: Arco (


Sounds: Deetox (

Special Thanks: Tex360. He provided the base mesh (Qui-Gon) that I almost completely reconstructed
for this model. Origional parts include the boots, hands, and sleeves. Using these
parts saved Arco and myself a massive amount of development time. We could not have
done it without you Tex :)

Attack Of The Clones:TC (

The entire crew of, and everybody who supported me over at Without your support this model would have died before we even

Mariners2001 for figureing out how to fix the bug in v1.0

Concept: Based on Mace Windu from Episode I and II, or as Arco likes to call him
"The Jedi Master with the Lightsaber of Disaster"

NOTES: 1.1

Small bug fix, removed black lines on head

This is the third model I've released for Jedi Outcast, and by far my favorate thus far. I began this model
on a request from one of the users over at lucasforums. I had been working on a high poly version of Samuel
L. Jacksons charecter from Pulp Fiction when I decided to convert him to Jedi Outcast, there for his head
stands at a little over 1200 polys. I decided not to optimise it since I feared I'd lose the likeness that I
had gotten at the time.

The model has a number of clipping problems, most noteably in his shoulders which I am unable to correct due
to the difficulties working with the Jedi Outcast engine

This model includes a special robed version. It's accessible by typeing into the console:

model samuel_l/robed

It's important to note that the robe model has a number of clipping issues due to the problem with the
animation system in the Jedi Outcast engine, thus the special robe is NOT officially supported by me, Toonces.

This model includes full facial animation support. A Single Player version of this model will be available at at time of release.


This model, it's geometry, and textures are not to be modified, repackaged, or redistributed without the
express permision of it's creators, Toonces or Arco. IF allowed, this readmemace.txt file MUST be included.


Place this pk3 file from this zip archive into the JKII/gamedata/base/ directory

*Information *

Polycount: 3256
bots Yes
Custom sounds Yes

LOD support - NO

* Copyright / Permissions *
This model, and the textures that came with it are not to be modified
in any way without the permision of it's creators.
The character Mace Windu is copyright Lucas Arts.
Certain Sound files within are the copyright of Lucas Arts.

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© 2002 LucasArts Entertainment Company LLC.
© 2002 Lucasfilm Ltd. & TM or ® as indicated.
All rights reserved. Used under authorization.
LucasArts and the LucasArts logo are trademarks
of Lucasfilm Ltd.
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