Playing Jedi Academy in 2025

Hutt Model

By Duncan_10158
Date: 08-31-2002



Jedi Knight II: Jedi Outcast 08/27/02
Model Name: \"hutt10.pk3\"

Author Mesh & Skins: Duncan_10158


Sounds: recorded by Deetox

Concept: The Hutts are a well known race originaly from the planet Varl. But they left their homeworld a long time and are ruling their criminal organisation mainly from the planet Nal Hutta.
This Hutt is in his best age, olny about 130 years old. Hutts can get up to 1000 years old, when they havent an unfortunate encounter of the bloody kind with an unnicely lawfollowing Jedi.


* Installation *

Place the hutt10.pk3 file in this folder
LucasArts\\Star Wars JK II Jedi Outcast\\GameData\\base

To uninstall remove \"hutt10.pk3\" from your \'base\' folder.

Make sure there is only one version of the Hutt model!


This is the secound version of my Hutt. It was a real challenge to make a model without legs and only one tail moving somewhat correct.
I hope you will take a close look at my work. There shouldnt be anymore bug, i hope at least.
If you are interested in making additional skins for the hutt, let me know.
It was my intention to make this model for SP mapper. I tought it would be nice to have new SP maps poped up with new races and new scenarios. so i keep this file small so that it can be integrated into other files. If you plan to use my model in your map, your welcome. But please mail me, i\'d like to see the result.

*Information *

Polycount: about 1600 (model only, on highest LOD)
bots Yes
Custom sounds Yes

LOD support - Will come when there are no complains anymore :)

Special Thanks:
Deetox for giving me the soundfiles
All at, they did.... its un.... its....
the people at for support
and everyone that will ask to get mentioned here

* Copyright / Permissions *
The Hutts and the hole planet Varl are copyright of Lucas Arts.

© 2002 LucasArts Entertainment Company LLC.
© 2002 Lucasfilm Ltd. & TM or ® as indicated.
All rights reserved. Used under authorization.
LucasArts and the LucasArts logo are trademarks
of Lucasfilm Ltd.
© Raven Software LTD 2002, Activision