Playing Jedi Academy in 2025

Yoda (1.0)

By Team Yoda
Date: 07-29-2002
Version: 1.0



Jedi Knight II: Jedi Outcast

Yoda 1.0

Model Name: "yoda_kinja.pk3"

File Size: 2100 kb

Authors: "Team Yoda"

Model: Kinja

Importing: Sithlord-ii

Skins: Blue Yoda & Default Yoda: "Arco" Ferguson
Red Yoda: Kurtis "Kman" Smith

Sizing Mod: "Tchouky"


Partially sourced from, from Empire Strikes back, and from Paul Thomas, who contributed a good deal of great sounds

Concept: from

Yoda, the ancient and revered Jedi Master, lived his final years hiding on the swamp planet of Dagobah. Nine hundred years old, Yoda had trained Jedi for eight centuries, and was very powerful in the Force. Among his last pupils were the most important (and reckless) Jedi in recent history, Obi-Wan Kenobi and Luke Skywalker.

In the waning days of the Republic, Yoda was a respected senior member of the Jedi Council. Serving alongside such luminaries as Mace Windu and Ki-Adi-Mundi, Yoda was present during the turbulent events that would eventually unravel the centuries-old Republic and seal the fate of the Jedi order.


Put the file "yoda_kinja.pk3" into the "C:Program FilesLucasArtsStar Wars JK II Jedi OutcastGameDatabase" folder.


For this file, if you wish Yoda to be sized properly, i *stronglY* suggest you download JediMod by Dest, containing the sizing mod created by tchouky, amongst other things.

Dest's Jedi Mod, V.1.0

For this mod, you will need the 1.04 patch as well -




Well folks, its been a long interesting and funfilled trip! But thank GOD its over! lol Seriously though, I just want to thank GOD and all my Teammates on this project, so thanks GOD, Sithlord ii, Arco, Kman, and Sith please fill in the missing people, hehe. And I'd also like to thank James from and ModCentral, and all you guys in the Forums. Well that's it everybody, have fun and may the Force be with you!
BTW: I give all you modders and skinners out there the rights to use Yoda however you please just as long as you give all the members of Team Yoda proper credit.


*Information *

Polycount: 3484
bots Yes
Custom sounds Yes

LOD Support: No


* Copyright / Permissions *

The character YODA is copyright Lucas Arts.
Certain Sound files within are the copyright of Lucas Arts.


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