Playing Jedi Academy in 2025

Exar Kun by Sithlord II

By sithlord-II
Date: 06-25-2002



README: EXAR KUN 1.0 06/12/02

Jedi Knight II: Jedi Outcast

Filename: Exarkun_sithii.pk3


Authors: Model: Sithlord II (Michael Frost)
Textures: Omar Torres Jr. and Absath (Tim Buckley)
Additional credits: Limbonik for source mat's, Raven for sound sources
and model hands, as well as hands texture
Arco for various help, and future reskin of exar.


Filesize: 2.4 MB


Polygon Count: Approximately 3300 with cape and armor
Approx. 2700 without cape and armor (Blue Skin)


File Contents: Exar Kun model for Jedi Knight 2: Jedi Outcast

Red Skin, Blue Skin, Default Skin
Custom sound pack - mix of sounds from Rebel sound effects in JK2, and from various sources
Bot support
No LOD Models


Installation Instructions:

Unzip the downloaded file, and put the contents of this zip file (Exarkun_sithii.pk3) into the
C:\program files\lucasarts\jediknight2jedioutcast\gamedata\base\ directory,
or wherever you have chosen to install Jedi Knight 2 onto your harddrive


Additional Notes/Thanks

Thanks go to Omar Torres, for doing the excellent body texture for exar kun - turned out great, i definitely appreciate it
Thanks to Absath for doing Exar's face texture
Thank-you's go out to Zolden, MessiahErebus, Tux, normal and the rest of the guys from IRC for testing, and just being all-around
Thanks go to JPS and invader for their help on the file-serving side of things at
Big thanks to Limbonik for the image sources of exar and really getting me started on this model.
And if i forgot anyone here don't worry about it, will catch up with you another time

Coming next: Nomi Sunrider


* Copyright / Permissions *
The character Darth Vader is copyright Lucas Arts.
Certain Sound files within are the copyright of Lucas Arts.

© 2002 LucasArts Entertainment Company LLC.
© 2002 Lucasfilm Ltd. & TM or ® as indicated.
All rights reserved. Used under authorization.
LucasArts and the LucasArts logo are trademarks
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