Playing Jedi Academy in 2025


By SpaceMonkey
Date: 06-18-2002



Model Name: "Glm_Aayla" by Tim 'Spacemonkey' Appleby

Author Mesh & Skins: "Aayla" by Tim 'Spacemonkey' Appleby

"Shakka" by Kman

"Krishara" by Hapslash

"Sirrya" by Nanodagiardino

"MyaVenua" and "LenyaVanua" by Bradfu

"Senna" by DaAdmiral

"Tra" by Quamosity

"Eriala" by Grafox

Web address: keep an eye out for a new cottage appearing at polycount
Email: bdimonkey(at)
-note dont email me about how to install it. Simply place the pk3's in your base folder.

Sounds: Various characters use both Jans and Tavions sounds from the game. No additional sounds are included.

Concept: Based on the Starwars character Aayla Secura who appeared briefly in the film
Attack of the Clones.

info: Aayla, a tragic Padawan stripped of her memory yet slowly being rehabilitated by the Jedi Council,
first appeared in the "Twilight" story arc of the ongoing series, by John Ostrander and Jan Duursema

* To access all the skins you will also need to download the Twilek Skinpack which includes amny extra skins and some extra ctf versions for them.

Thanks to everyone at jk2, my girlfriend for the idea on how to weight the lekku, all the skinners who helped add some variety to the model and Cheshire for beta testing
her and offering adivce along the way.

Daniel Hagmeijer -

Ok, meet Eriala Trutac. A bounty hunter working in the outer regions of Regona. She has been trained in the Sith arts, but has not finished her training, resulting in limited knowledge of the force and the use of the lightsaber.

It was fun creating this skin for Spacemonkeys excellent model. I kinda had to rush it because I only had 2 days to work on it. I dismissed the original concept I had and traded it in for what you see now.

It's been a pleasure! Spacemonkey's model sure took my creativity running! :) I tryied to keep the design simple in respect of the female twilek clothing :), but with a decadent, corrupted and evil twist. It's my personal

interpretation of a female Sith Tw'ilek. She is Sirrya Shar, a dark queen from times past. Hope you enjoy it! Have fun! Go fry some jedi!


This skin includes a transparency as one of it's
textures. I've also included a less risque 'pg' rated texture
for the torso, for those who might possibly be offended
by the anatomical correctness of the original textures.

*Information *

Polycount: 3200
bots Yes
Custom sounds no

LOD support - Yes.

* Copyright / Permissions *
The character Aayla Secura is copyright of Lucas Arts.

© 2002 LucasArts Entertainment Company LLC.
© 2002 Lucasfilm Ltd. & TM or ® as indicated.
All rights reserved. Used under authorization.
LucasArts and the LucasArts logo are trademarks
of Lucasfilm Ltd.
