Playing Jedi Academy in 2025

Darth Maul

By Chesire
Date: 06-17-2002



Jedi Knight II: Jedi Outcast

Custom Model - Darth Maul


Adam "Cheshire" Lee
Default: Adam "Cheshire" Lee
Red: Kurtis "Kman" Smith
Blue: "Arco" Furgeson

Mason "Temptous" Gilbertson

Additional Sounds:

Saber Hilt:
Vent Gala

Some Words:

Darth Maul, what more can I say. One Evil Sith. Hope you like him.
I've Zipped up Vent Gala's MaulSaber so that everyone using him can have it. It really tops off the model well.
Also the SP version uses Vent Gala's Maul Saber. Follow the instructions in the

SP Reborn to Maul Version Notes: If you use the Reborn to Maul Version, the bots will change! You will now have to
choose the reborn bots to use Maul in MP. Maul himself will still be under Maul, and in Team Games Choose Maul and
his Red and Blue counterparts will enter the game with the original Maul Bot actions.

Big THanks to:

Spacemonkey of course! The man held my hand through the whole process,and helped me test the model.
Thank you for everything Monkey!
Kman, for his kickin skin and Unwrapping Maul!
Arco, for another Sweet Skin!
Temptous, for the sounds!
Sampo, for cutting some sounds on the fly for me.
Vent Gala, for his very nice Saber hilt!
Bobo_the_Seal, for his Skinning tips!
Sithlord2, for some technical support!
R13,for his technical support!
And Everyone at forums and forums for their feedback and literally hundreds of reference pics.
And of course anyone I may have forgotten................................................


Well, I love playing Jedi Outcast, and what better character to play as than Darth Maul. When I first saw this
model in development, I was very interested in how it was going to turn out. I had a lot of fun and learned a lot
about laying out a good skinmap. I hope that anyone else that makes a skin for this model will find it well laid
out and easier to skin than the other models made for the game so far. As far as the skin goes, I wanted to emulate
one of the many sith lord concepts that were made by Lucasfilm's for Star Wars: Episode I. I was going to do a
non-tatooed Zabrak face, but went with a modified black and white design from a Sith Witch concept art. I hope that
everyone enjoys my skin.

Arco: He is evil! anyway doing the blue ctf was indeed cool. very sweet
model and kman's uv mapping is someo ft he best i have worked on. Rock
on Maul! enjoy this hella cool model. But what is next for Chesire i know
that whatever it is i am gonna skin it.

Well, we're dealing with Maul here! So we sat down and brainstormed after watching the duel in EP1 over
and over and over, we noticed Maul Growls when he opens the door with the force. So we went with that. So
where to get these sounds? From movies of course, but Mauls actual Growl is lost in everything that's going
on, so we took some liberty's with a few other sounds from other movies. Jurassic Park gave us quite a bit
of material, you may find familiar. Bram Stoker's Dracula, Star Wars Ep1 and some odd's and ends finished
things up nicely. Hope you find them fitting.

Extract glm-Maul.pk3 to the gamedatabase directory under your Jedi Oucast game
directory. The next time you start the game, your lightsaber will have been replaced.

Delete the file.


Well, not so much bugs as it is a few things that where disapointing. LODs are not present, and I was never able to
get the two caps under his knees working. Also, I have no idea if his caps between his gloves and arm work, since
throughout all of the testing, I was never able to cut the hands off more than once, and he fell so I couldn't see
them. Also you may see some holes under his skirt due to weighting him not to clip through his drapery.

*Programs used *
* *
*Adobe Photoshop 6.0*
*Winzip 8.1 *
*ModView *
*Md3View *
*3dSMax 4.0 *
*Lame Mp3 Encoder *


< email: >


*Information *

Polycount: 2522
bots Yes
Custom sounds Yes

LOD support - currently not avialable.

* Copyright / Permissions *
The character Aurra Sing is copyright Lucas Arts.
Certain Sound files within are the copyright of Lucas Arts and are not to be distirbuted except with this model.

© 2002 LucasArts Entertainment Company LLC.
© 2002 Lucasfilm Ltd. & TM or ® as indicated.
All rights reserved. Used under authorization.
LucasArts and the LucasArts logo are trademarks
of Lucasfilm Ltd.
