Playing Jedi Academy in 2025


By Bloodriot
Date: 05-22-2002



Jedi Knight II: Jedi Outcast
Model Name: "Mandalorian.pk3"

Author Mesh & Skins: António "BloodRiot" Perestrelo
Tim "Absath" Buckley

Email: ,

Sounds: Some Shadowtrooper and Stormtrooper basic sounds were used. Jango's taunt is a sound rip from StarWars: Episode 2 Attack of the Clones. Boba's taunt is a rip from the Star Wars: Christmas Special. The taunts for the other warriors were custom recorded.

Concept: Jango Fett and Boba Fett are both notorious bounty hunters in the Star Wars universe. The other four Mandalorian warriors are original concepts, created by us, and are meant to represent different soldiers of the dreaded Mandalorian army.


This model started when i tried to model Boba's helmet just for fun in 3dsmax. When I saw that SithLord-II was building Darth Vader even without the SDK I thought about giving it a go. It proved to be a very fruitful experience. I learned alot about 3d modeling thanks to the mutual support with other developers. Absath proved to be the right man for the job and I'm glad I asked him when I did.

To Raven staff, particullary Mike Gummelt for the initial pointers and patience.
To SithLord-II my teammate, CheshireKat and his teammate SpaceMonkey for their mutual help.
To the general comunity for the ideas, sugestions, comments and trolling.
To Absath for putting up with my nitpicking and YOURS
This Model is for you.

Any questions concerning the model can be e-mailed to

I am very proud to have been a part of this project. I think it turned out very well, especially given the fact that it was quite a learning experience for both Bloodriot and myself. Bloodriot created a magnificent model, and it was a pleasure to skin for him. I want to thank the community for their tremendous support of this project, and for being so vocal with their critisicm and compliments. It truly pushed this project to be the best it could be. Any questions or comments regarding the skins, shaders, or botfiles, can be emailed to

*Information *

Polycount: about 3000 (model only);5334 (model, skeleton and tags)
bots Yes
Custom sounds Yes

LOD support - Not Yet

Special Thanks:
Ten Tigers: He named the Crimson warrior, Khyron Jinn
PiousAugustus99: A combination of names he offered led to the Yellow warrior's moniker, Dun Setta
Richard "Kenobi Fett" Mault: For providing the base shader script, and allowing us to add shine to our armor ;)

* Copyright / Permissions *
Boba Fett and Jango Fett are copyright of Lucas Arts.
Certain Sound files within are the copyright of Lucas Arts.

© 2002 LucasArts Entertainment Company LLC.
© 2002 Lucasfilm Ltd. & TM or ® as indicated.
All rights reserved. Used under authorization.
LucasArts and the LucasArts logo are trademarks
of Lucasfilm Ltd.
© Raven Software LTD 2002, Activision