Playing Jedi Academy in 2025

Rx-178 Mark II Gundam

By Gemini
Date: 08-09-2002



Jedi Knight II: Jedi Outcast

Custom Model - Rx-178 Mark II Gundam
Date Released: July 28,2002

Model: gemini-
Skin: gemini-
Sounds: gemini-


Prototype General Purpose Mobile Suit from Gundam Z.

Special Thanks to:

Spacemonkey for making such a detailed tutorial for jk2 model importers!
Slade, again, for testing the model and doing various things *wink* ;p


Extract jk2-rx178.pk3 to the gamedata/base sub directory in your jk2 dir. Load the game, choose the model in PLAYER, and voila! It is recommended that you turn DETAILED SHADERS on in JK2MP options.


No CTF colors

Since this is model has \'gundam\' proportion, it was very hard to me to fit it to the jk2 skeleton. Hence, many of the deformations will \'disjoint\', but I\'ve tried to minimize it as much as possible.

Not so much a bug, but the model is quite old, and at the time when I made the model and textured it, the skinmap is horribly done. So for anyone who wants to make new skins... it might be quite a maze. And yes, there\'s about 50% wasted skin space, because well... it\'s a long story.

As with my previous model, Rx93 HiNu, the left hand stuff, most notably using 2 sabers with jedimod and forces will be beside the shield instead of the hand. I have no idea why and do not know where to start to fix this. I personally find it cool tho *cough* exploitation *cough* :)

There\'s several UV problems. This problem is very weird because they didnt show up in ModView.exe, yet they show up in the game.




*Information *

Polycount: 1397
Texture Resolution: 1024x1024
Bots Yes
Custom sounds Yes

* Copyright / Permissions *
Feel free to make new skins or port the model elsewhere for distribution, but please notify me by email if so.

© 2002 LucasArts Entertainment Company LLC.