Playing Jedi Academy in 2025

C3PO and 4LOM

By oddjob
Date: 08-04-2002



Model Name: \"c3po_4lom.pk3\"

Author Mesh & Skins: Dwayne \'oddjob\' Douglass(4lom head model and all 4lom skins,rigging, C3PO model conversion from SP to Multiplayer)
Jordan \'t3rr0r\' Koski (c3po CTF skins, THANKS A BUNCH!!!)
The added extra bonus Battle Droid C-3PO head was provided by Maarten \'MacD\' Edgar, author of the great Roger Battle Droid model. MANY THANKS TO HIM!!!
Raven Software (c3po model, skins, etc. Thanks!)
Web address:

Sounds: The 3po sounds included are samples I found on the internet and the jump, a JKII walk sound that was mixed a bit by me.
The 4-Lom sounds are a mish-mash of sounds from JKII used creatively. :)
The TC-14 sounds are modified protocol droid souns from JKII.

Concept: Based on the Starwars characters C-3PO, who needs no introduction, 4-Lom, one of the imfamous bounty hunters from Empire Strikes Back, TC-14 is the protocol droid from the beginning of The Phantom Menace, and RA-7 is your standard, every day, Death Star Droid.

info: 4_Lom:
Perhaps the oddest being that could ever become a bounty hunter is a protocol droid. Yet it happened in the case of 4-LOM. This droid answered the call sent out by Darth Vader to capture the Millennium Falcon after the Battle of Hoth.

A fussy and worry-prone protocol droid, C-3PO was cobbled together from discarded scrap and salvage by a nine-year old prodigy on the desert planet Tatooine. Equipped with formidable language skills, C-3PO, became best of friend with R2-D2, a feisty astromech droid.


This is part conversion of a JKII single player model and part original. The head for 4-Lom was created and skinned by me but the rest of the model is pure Raven goodness. This explains the rather large poly count as well unfortunatly. It was a bit of a challenge converting the model and there are some issues with clipping but I belive it was worth it for a more droid like deformation. The C-3PO and TC-14 sounds are meant to be humorous, so enjoy.


*Information *

Polycount: 4367
CTF Yes (3po and 4lom)
bots Yes
Custom sounds Yes

LOD support - Yes

* Copyright / Permissions *
The character C-3PO, 4-Lom, TC-14, and RA-7 are copyright © 2002 Lucasfilm Ltd.
Certain Sound files within are the copyright of Lucas Arts and are not to be distirbuted except with this model.

© 2002 LucasArts Entertainment Company LLC.
© 2002 Lucasfilm Ltd. & TM or ® as indicated.
All rights reserved. Used under authorization.
LucasArts and the LucasArts logo are trademarks
of Lucasfilm Ltd.
