Playing Jedi Academy in 2025


By Bloodriot
Date: 06-24-2002



Jedi Knight II: Jedi Outcast
Model Name: \"Tyrion.pk3\"

Author Mesh & Skins: António \"BloodRiot\" Perestrelo
Tim \"Absath\" Buckley

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Doing this model was a very pleasurable experience since im working on a project i had in mind since JK1. Once again it was a pleasure to work with my firend Absath who showed undeniable commitment to this lil hobby. This Jedi/Sith model will be the first of many that will eventually be a part of a large scale project.
Hope you enjoy playing with our characters as much as we like to make them.
Cheers you all.

What can I say. Another model I\'m proud to have been a part of. This one I like especially because it is an original character, and we didn\'t have to follow any vision but our own. We have many plans for this character and others like him, and I\'m looking forward to each. These models may not be everyone\'s choice, and certainly don\'t carry the notoriety that the Fett\'s had, but I\'m sure there are many people out there who will enjoy these characters as much as I do. Have fun ;) And as usual, questions regarding the skin or texture aspect of the model, can be emailed to me and I\'ll try to answer in a timely fashion.

For the time being we are not going to be allowing reskins or SP level use of this character. This is so we have a chance to develop our own SP storyline we have in development, and to give us a chance to establish the character in accordance to our vision. After we have accomplished that, we will be moving onto new projects, and allow the community to use the character for whatever purposes they choose. We of course cannot prevent people from reskinning the model, or from making him SP playable, but we will be contacting JK2 files sites to take down any files submitted that use our works if we see them, until we announce that he is available for SP use.

*Information *

Polycount: Not that much... about 2700 tops
bots Yes
Custom sounds Yes

LOD support - No

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Certain Sound files within are the copyright of Lucas Arts.

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