Playing Jedi Academy in 2025

Final Fantasy X - Auron v1.0

By -=Rj==-TheBeast
Date: 04-08-2004




Jedi Knight II: Jedi Outcast

Final fantsy X - Auron v1.0
Model Name: "ffx_auron.pk3"

Model: -=Rj=-TheBeast
Skins: -=RJ=-TheBeast

Clan website:

Special Thanks:

Raven Software, for bringing us a wonderful game and also the Kyle model
which was the base for this model.

All RJ's members (Ruggiero, Jaybaen, Equanimity, Darkside, InfiniteWarrior,
Huma, OneWingAngel, TheLizardKing, Tyrannus, Deacon and Kyzene) for providing
a great server and place to play. Also, for being my friends and family on the web.


This model, it's geometry, and textures are not to be modified, repackaged, or redistributed without
the express permision of it's creators, -=RJ=-TheBeast. (which I,m not that difficult with,
so just drop me an email :))

If allowed, this readme.txt file MUST be included.


Well, I just wanted to tell you all (who will be reading this readme file :)),
how I came to doing this model (which was a pain in the ass, because I never
quite decided if I should do him with the left arm tucked into the cloak :)).

Frist, I'm just a freak of Final Fantasy stuff... I always thought I was the freakiest of all.
Until I met with some named Xerosaber (btw Thank you Xero for showing me that I'm not that freaky
, my life is better now :)). But, At first I always wanted to bring a character from the FF series
to the JK world... but them not being that much 'StarWarsy', made me think that they could not be
that popular, even if they were released.

And when I got on the forum and saw how much request their was for some FF Characters, that got me
started...:) And in 2 weeks of hard work (modeling, skin, testing, etc.), I had him done. Yeah,
only 2 weeks, man these were 2 FULL weeks, like any Final Fantasy stuff, I can't stop until they
are finished :).

So, now I'm proud to bring you this Auron model for JK2 (sorry for you JK3 Dual saber players, I didn't come
around to tweak it for JK3, but it will come... and btw, this model will work for JK3, but not has problem
with the dual Saber special attack and taunt(crossed saber))

Enough about me, go try this thing out :)


Place the pk3 file from this zip archive into the JKII/gamedata/base/ directory

*Information *

Team support: Yes
Bot Support: Yes
Custom sounds: Yes (The sound have been taken from the FFx video game)
* But some of the sounds are from Kyle's basic sounds

Multiple Taunts: Yes
This Auron's model has 2 taunts, for mod enables to handle it.

LOD support - No

Polygon count: Pretty High... I don't have the exact number but it's about 6500

* Copyright / Permissions *
This model, and the textures that came with it are not to be modified
in any way without the permision of it's creators.
The character Kyle Katarn is copyright Raven Software.
Certain Sound files within are the copyright of Raven Software.
© 2002 LucasArts Entertainment Company LLC.
© 2002 Lucasfilm Ltd. & TM or ® as indicated.
All rights reserved. Used under authorization.
LucasArts and the LucasArts logo are trademarks
of Lucasfilm Ltd.
© Raven Software LTD 2002, Activision