Playing Jedi Academy in 2025

Link (3.0)

By Dan Kapphahn 'DAK/Antizac'
Date: 08-16-2003
Version: 3.0




Jedi Knight II: Jedi Outcast

(Adult) Link (Legend of Zelda)
Version: 3.0
Model Name: Link

Version: 3.0

Author, Model / Import: Dan Kapphahn (DAK, a.k.a Antizac)


Sounds: Taken from "Ocarina of Time"(N64) and "Soul Calibur 2" (GameCube)

Botfiles: Included.

Thanks to: Psynex, and squall_dm for contributing the sounds.
Thanks again, to squall_dm for reporting the sound error.
A Big thanks to Joakim Hildemar ({DX}Obiwan,
Killer_2000) for fixing the eyes, and encourageing me to update Link.

Special Thanks to: Everyone at the Jedi Knight II forums, for all their
help, support and feedback.
And you, for downloading this - Now don't you feel special? =)

This update is meant to replace the old version.

Known bugs:

The armor on the Deity, may over-lap with the torso, or the arms at times -
the shield, and sheath may over-lap with other meshes at times, but these
cases are
to be expected, and cannot be helped, but it's not very noticeable.


Version 2.0:
A few things have been added and changed. The Link's sword sheath is now
included on the model (also removeable) - the strap across the torso,
and the belt are more detailed (modeled buckles, and such...). Link's face
has some slight modeling tweaks, but not very noticeable - the eyebrows on
face have been adjusted, (not to mention the wonderful eye-fix by
{DX}Obiwan) I think it looks much better. Other than that, I think it's just
about perfect, now.

Version 3.0:
Re-modelled the hair and re-shaped the nose, somewhat - he looks more like
Link, now. Added more detail to the gauntlets, and adjusted the boots, a
Added the "sheath" version (with CTF skins, of course).

Special Bonus skin in Version 3.0:
The Feirce Deity. Additional meshes were added to make this skin possible.
Textures re-created by me, spending hours in Photoshop, glancing back and
forth from
screen to Majora's Mask player's guide, for reference. If you don't like the
Fierce Deity, atleast appreciate, my greatest skinning job to date. =)


If I do not reply to your e-mail within a week just send another - I may
have mistaken your e-mail for junk mail.

This model, it's geometry, and textures are not to be modified, repackaged,
or redistributed without the
express permision of it's creator, Dan Kapphahn. IF allowed, this
readme.txt file MUST be


Place the link.pk3 file from this zip archive into the JKII/gamedata/base/

*Information *

Polycount: (I lost count...)
LOD support: No (if your machine has issues because of this, you have
bigger problems than I do.)

CTF yes (not included for Feirce Deity)
bots yes
Custom sounds yes

* Copyright / Permissions *
This model, and the textures that came with it are not to be modified
in any way without the permision of it's creators.

I don't work for Nintendo, nor do I have any contact with Nintendo - I am an
independant modeller, (who wanted to see Link kick ass in Jedi Outcast)
acting on my own behalf.
I have also not made any money or profit from the creation of this model -
infact, I believe, I have lost money,
and many hours of my life, that I can't get back, because I spent so many
hours making this model.

(See Copyright information below.)

(The Character) Link, The Legend of Zelda, Ocarina of Time, Majora's Mask
and related media are
© 1986-2003 Nintendo.

Soul Calibur, and Soul Calibur 2 are
© 1995 1998 2002 2003 Namco Limited

By reading this document, at anytime, you have just accepted this as a
contract, not hold the creator, website admin(s),
hosting the model, LucasArts, Raven, or any of the third parties mentioned
in this document, responsible for any lawsuits
or legal issues that may or maynot incur.

© 2002 LucasArts Entertainment Company LLC.
© 2002 Lucasfilm Ltd. & TM or ® as indicated.
All rights reserved. Used under authorization.
LucasArts and the LucasArts logo are trademarks
of Lucasfilm Ltd.
© Raven Software LTD 2002, Activision