Playing Jedi Academy in 2025

Londo Mollari

By Kevin Coyle
Date: 02-27-2003




File Description: Londo Mollari, the Centauri Ambassador from the TV series Babylon 5

Author: Kevin Coyle

Information: This is a multiplayer model of Londo Mollari from Babylon 5. I'm a fan of the series and my brother requested I make this model for him so I did. I really wasn't thinking of releasing it to the internet but I noticed there was a babylon 5 skin pack and realized there were a few B5 fans who played Jedi Knight so I figured what the hell.

The model has team skins but no LODS. *note about the team skins, Londo's blue team skin actually is the purple coat from early in the series, I wanted his default to be the blue coat he has later so I switched it around, I hope this doesn't confuse anyone.

To install the model, unzip KC_LondoMollari.pk3 to your Gamedata\base folder in your Jedi Knight folder.