Yavin Training Spot

By Mithran
Date: 09-27-2003




Name: Mithran
E-mail: Majinvegeta373@hotmail.com
Map Name: Yavin Training Spot

Installation: Extract this file to your Jedi Outcast/Gamedata/base folder


Map Type: FFA

Areas: The map only has 2 rooms/areas.. A large outdoor (attempt) There are a few floating platforms leading to a smallish duel area.
Jumping from the wall platforms is a second way to the duel area and is the only way to get to the platform with Dark and Light force enlightenment.
Going through the door takes you into a small area with health pickups, shields and two weapons. The small pyramid type thing houses the disruptor and a few more pickups.

Background of this map: Still a small FFA map but I've worked out most of the problems I was having. I now have a skybox (based on yavin yay me), I also messed around with FX and trigger hurt
so hopefully this will be an overall improvement of the version of this map.