By <|FeaR|> Storm
Date: 03-11-2003
<|FeaR|> Storm
Server information:
port: 27961
1. How do I install?
First you need to unzip the file into an temp directory, then you should copy the fear_training_complex.pk3 file to the base directory in gamedata.
2. This is a clan map of the JK2 Clan <|FeaR|>, it has enough space for training and practice. I can be used for FFA,TFFA,CTF.
The map was made to give the clan space for the private duels and training activities.
3. Website developer is simular to the above information. Same as for the email address.
Basicly this map should kick ass, why did I make it and submitted it.The maps ideas come only from the creator.I used some of my own textures in the map but most are from radiant itself.