EFP* Duel Map

By |ZaNaGI|
Date: 11-09-2002



28 October 2002
EFP*Arena pack 1.0a for Jedi Knight 2: Jedi Outcast
Created by EFP*IZaNaGI[E]

This Duelling arena is my first attempt at creating a map for Jedi Knight 2 (i have mapped
For Half-Life and STV:Elite Force)
This dark and gothic looking map, is based in an anciant arena, forgoten with time.

It has a few references to my clan and its routes in Voyager: Elite Force (Clan Elite Force
Posse*) with an LCars menu on the eastern wall with all the EFP* members names on it and
EFP* flags hanging from the ceiling.

Also there is a secret area hidden in the map, but you'll all have to find it ;o)

Bugs and faults

Bot support for this map is fairly limited, as bots seem to only want to fight in one corner
of the map (if at all) But bear in mind i only meant this to be a multiplayer map.


Add the efparenapack.pk3 to your jediknight "base" directory usually found in:
C:\Program Files\LucasArts\Star Wars JK II Jedi Outcast\GameData\base


Lucasarts, Raven and Activision do NOT support the use of the EFP*Arena pack in any
way and neither they, nor i will be held responsable for errors it causes!!

I have run extensive tests and i have encountered no problems in using
this pack!!!

Robin Molde 2002
Visit my website @ http://members.tripod.co.uk/izanagi/samuraidesign.html

Visit The EFP*Website @ www.efp1.net