Playing Jedi Academy in 2025

Logs Filter (0.1)

By Gamall
Date: 03-25-2008
Version: 0.1



** Logs Filter **

# TITLE : Logs Filter #
# TYPE : Server Utility #
# VERSION : 0.1 #
# AUTHOR : Gamall Wednesday Ida #
# E-MAIL : #
# #
# FILESIZE : ~700 Ko #
# OS : Linux, Mac, Windows #
# RELEASE DATE : March 2008 #

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This is a filter, in the Unix meaning of the word. Or rather, a
collection of filters, which can easily be expanded. To that
purpose, the Source Code is shipped, under the GNU GPL. It is
fully documented; see index.html in the ./doc folder.

Filters operate here on a line-by-line basis, and are seen as
the combination of a predicate (string -> bool) and a
transformation (string -> string), the first determining which
lines to keep and the second altering those lines.

A criterion called 'opacity' has been added which determines
whether rejected lines, all lines or none are sent to STDERR,
the idea being to chain an indefinite number of such filters
without losing the original data, by recapturing STDERR.

Possible uses include offering different views of a JK2 or JK3
gameserver in real time through a Standard Input Server (see
documentation of SIS) or breaking down existing log files.

Some predicates and transforms geared towards JK gameservers
have been implanted. See docu.txt, or use the --help and --docu
command-line options.

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- The Source Code
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The source code for Logs Filter is released under the GNU
General Public License.

This program is written in Objective Caml.

- The Binaries
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Logs filter is shipped with statically compiled binaries for
GNU/Linux, which may or may not work on your own system. If
they don't you will just have to compile it from source. You
will need an OCaml compiler. In most cases, you will just need
to run the build script in the /src directory.

The Windows binaries should work on any Windows system from 95

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If you need help, or have suggestions, comments, insults,
praise or in general, anything to say about this program you
expect me to read and answer to, please post on the program's
topic on my website:


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