Playing Jedi Academy in 2025

Auto Restart For Version 1.00

By Andy / Axis
Date: 02-27-2008



X-Raiders Network

Authors: Andy And Axis

File Name: Restart.bat

Function: Automaticly Restarts Jedi knight 3: jedi Academy


This version of the Restart.bat simply installs into your game data folder in JK3 !
(Where jamp.exe is installed).

This bat file uses port "29008" as the public server port, but this can be changed to whatever you want !
Example: Default Port for JK3 is "29070" or "29071" if you are playing on the same computer as the server.

I belive this small batch file can be used on virtualy any Q3 game (Call Of Duty 1 & 2 ect)
but it is untested. the way we designed it was so that you just modify the path (NOT THE "." AT THE BEGINING)
to whatever path you want. but as i said above. this is UNTESTED.

Put simply. i was board one night and thought i would make this.

Feel free to modify to your needs, no copyrights, FREE TO USE !

Comments welcome.

I will upload a Anti-Crash.pk3 that i found very soon (Still testing it)

This is my first file and i don't know if its allready on the site. so please take it easy on me ;)

Also i could not take screenies of it. not much point as its simply a black DOS box XD.

v1.00 JK3 X-Raiders