Resident Evil Afterlife - Alice Abernathy V2

By Denariax
Date: 12-20-2010




Jedi Knight III: Jedi Academy
Model Name: RE.Afterlife - Alice Abernathy Version2
Skinned by: Denariax
Email: / /

This is an entirely remade work of my original Alice Abernathy to more accurately portray the character in the movie, Resident Evil : Afterlife. Because of model difficulties, the straps were put directly onto the skin.

Programs used:

Pakscape, Winzip, Photoshop CS5, Google

* Copyright / Permissions *


It is more or less a retexture of the original RE:A Alice I had originally submitted to JK3Files around April. Having improved since, I can now release this. Team skins have been added, and hopefully the sounds have been fixed.


Extract zAliceAfterlife.pk3 from the .zip by looking through the Mod Files folder. Then, put the .pk3 into your Base folder.



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