Some Random Guy's Sniper Rifle

By Some Random Guy
Date: 02-23-2008



This is my version of the disruptor rifle. It got a little boring, so I "stealthed" it up.
I just made it black with some tools with a certain program. And I put my name on it =).
With the hand, I did a checkerboard pattern and put my initials on it. Simple but cool, I personally like it.

New sounds: nope

Bugs: none, i hope........

If you get tired of my name being on it, feel free to change it, BUT DO NOT SHARE THE SKIN!! IT WILL MAKE ME VERY ANGRY!
plus, it's plagurism. and plagurism is bad, VERY VERY BAD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Have a nice day! =-S