Whiteless Saber (v2)

By M.Combat
Date: 12-21-2006
Version: v2




Creator: M.Combat
Mod: Whiteless Saber V2.0
Email: evides_is_coming@hotmail.com
Description: Me, i love JKA but the lightsabers special
trail gets ruined by all that white well I decided
to remove the white in the trails and in V2 The sabers
are thicker and kooler looking and by removing the white
in the blade is leaving it with just the color blade no white
and color trails no white with thick blades enjoy
Installation: put the WhitelessSaberV2.pk3 in the
GameData/Base/ or if put in a mod like i did with
survivalmod put it in GameData/%Modname%/

Uninstall: Delete the WhitelessSaberV2.pk3 in the
GameData/Base/ folder
BUGS: With dynamic glow off the sabers look rubish
its mainly a saber glow depending mod
In bright areas like desert the colours look funny