Ultra Guns

By Manslayer101
Date: 01-18-2005



File Info: JK2/Jk3 Addon(i have not tested it on Jk3
But i'm sure it runs there too, if you have any probs
email me)
Author: Manslayer101
Email: wreecesr@netzero.com, g_rec_01@yahoo.com
(you may send me an instant message if you want to)
Tested/Developed On: AMD Athlon K7
How to Install: Extract, the ultraguns.pk3 into your
Jk2(or Jk3)/GameData/Base

This is my First official mod hope ya like it
(I am the Only one who created this, cept that i used
jk2 files for it so i guess i should give credit to
lucas arts......heh, yeah right, just kidding :P)

Story: One day when kyle was kickin butt, he came
across an idea, what if guns could shoot faster...
well he upgraded his gun and voila, soon people started
dying faster because kyle had upgraded his gun
"Oh my god now i can kick way more butt" he replied"
And from then on people started upgrading there
weapons, so ends our crappy story, and everybody
died, the end.

The point is, you use this mod and you're guns will
shoot 2, 3, 4, even 10 times faster....