Real Sabers

By Micah
Date: 11-29-2004




Thank you for choosing Real Sabers 1.1!


Functions: Improves the lightsaber blades by making blades exactly like in the movies, gives the lightsabers a more colorful glow, makes glows slightly larger than originals, gives new menu pictures (main menu now has Kit Fisto in the very center, when play or option buttons are pushed, two jedi stand in the background, Count Dooku appears on the SAVE OR DISCARD OPTIONS SCREEN, Obi-Wan Kenobi is seen on the lightsaber customization screen, there is a black window on the lightsaber blade screen so you can see the true blade color, and lightsaber flares have been improved to look just like in the movie.


This mod complies with any version of Jedi Academy, however, if you change versions while the mod is installed on your computer, you will have to open up the Real Sabers 1.1 folder and select all of the files except saves, screenshots, levelshots, or real_sabers1.1, and delete them. MAKE SURE YOU DELETE ALL THE FILES EXCEPT FOR saves, screenshots, levelshots, or real_sabers1.1. If you delete real_sabers1.1, you will lose the mod!


To install the mod, simply extract Real Sabers 1.1 zip file to your GameData directory in Jedi Academy. To extract the file, either right click Real Sabers 1.1 zip, select extract, which will bring up an extract to screen, click Jedi Academy, which will be in whatever directory you installed it in, select the GameData folder and then click ok. Or, if you have WinZip, just right click Real Sabers 1.1 zip, go up to WinZip, if it is in the menu, and select Extract to. Then, extract the file to the GameData directory of Jedi Academy. If you don't have WinZip, you can left click Real Sabers 1.1, go up to the FILE BAR at the top of the screen and look for a button that says EXTRACT. This will give you an extract to screen where you can extract the file to the GameData directory. (THIS IS UNDER THE ASSUMPTION YOU ARE USING POWERDESK. IF YOU ARE USING EXPLORER, HERE IS WHAT YOU DO.) Right click Real Sabers 1.1 zip, go up to extract, and extract to the GameData directory of Jedi Academy.
I know, it sounds kind of drawn out, but that is just because I don't want it to be a headace in getting it to work. Bottom line is, the way to install it is by simply EXTRACTING REAL SABERS 1.1 ZIP TO YOUR GAMEDATA DIRECTORY.


THE MOD DOESN'T LOAD!- Here is what is probably wrong. It could be the versions are different for the mod and the game. To fix this problem, look up at the versions section of this help file.

NOTHING CHANGED WITH THE MOD.- That is probably because it wasn't loaded. To load the mod, it must first be installed, which can be found on the INSTALLATION section of this help file. Next, you must start the game, go to the options screen, go down to MODS, select REAL SABERS 1.1, and click load at the bottom of the screen.

I CAN't FIND MY SAVED GAME!- That is because the mod works seperately from the original game. To play your saved game, use Explorer or Powerdesk to open up Jedi Academy, GameData, then base, then click saves, but don't open it. Right click on the saves folder. Select copy. Next, go into the Real Sabers 1.1 folder under GameData. Once in the Real Sabers 1.1 folder, right click under real_sabers.pk3 and select paste. There! You now have your saved games running under my mod! If you want to stop running my mod, but want to continue with your current save progress, do the exact opposite, by copying the save file from Real Sabers 1.1 in the the save folder under base, which is under GameData.

If this troubleshooting section has not helped, please write me via email at


Lucas Arts
Raven Software

George Lucas