Sword of the Sith

By lostingamma
Date: 10-01-2004




This allows you to select the Sith Sword/Scepter as your lightsaber.
It acts like a sword. You can even see the air as it
slices through it. It can be used as a Single Or Dual Saber.
This is great for anyone who likes to use swords.

::Important Notes::
As this is a saber, it needs to be installed, not only on the client,
but on the server. If you try to use this on a server without this
sword installed on it, it will just defualt to a diffrent saber.
This also works on the Solo Games.

::To Install::

Simply Copy SwordOfTheSith.pk3 to your Base Folder.

Author: lostingamma
Email: lostingamma@lostingamma.jk2files.com
Webiste: http://lostingamma.jk2files.com