Tusken and Noghri Lightsaber Hilts

By Just A Bot
Date: 08-25-2004




Title: JEDI ACADEMY Tusken & Noghri Lightsaber Hilts
Author: Just A Bot
E-Mail: elf69h@hotmail.com

Contents of File:

This MOD will allow the Noghri Stick and Tusken Staff weapons to be used as Lightsaber hilts in MP. The blades can be either single or staff styles, it is possible to use them with twin. Combat takes a bit of getting used to as the blade isn't in the normal position. This does use the standard saber styles (Fast, Medium, Strong, Twin, Staff) nothing new, but fighting with this style takes some getting used to, though it looks like a new style due to positioning.

I also made the hilts available in SP (along with some of the other hilts found in game).

Included with the file are 3 Noghri and 3 Tusken Force users (general force user, Jedi and sith). All are team free, the Jedi and Sith variants are equipped with their respecitve "saber hilts". Spawn them like anyother NPC their names are:

There are also 2 bot files (total) for the Noghri and the Tusken to use the "new" saber. They aren't that good.

Place either the sabers-alien.pk3 or sabers-alien-menu.pk3 in your base directory. They two files are similiar, but you only need one of them installed.

There are two .pk3 files contained in this ZIP. The -menu one contains the contents of the other file, in addition to the files needed to make it available in SP. So you only need to put one in.

Also if you have another mod file that alters the saber menu one of them won't work (This only applies if you install the -menu file).

Thanks to:
Lucas Arts
Raven Software

The usual disclaimer stuff.
This MOD is not made, distributed, or supported by LUCASARTS.