Twenty years of Jedi Academy 🎂◄►

Combat Evolution

By Apocolypse
Date: 05-29-2004




Author: Apocalypse (aka Spector)
Build Time: 6 hours

This mod changes the default sabers to have different atributes and in some cases
different attacks. Each of the sabers is different from the other ones, so you get alot of
variety when using this mod. Each saber caters to a specific fighting style, so be sure
to try them all out to find the one you like best. Included in the Zip is a .txt file listing
all the changes this mod makes to the sabers. I tried very hard to get these as blanced
as I could, but if you find that one saber is alot more powerful than the others of find a
bug, then please send me an email.

NOTE: This mod is server side only, and it is meant to run with other admin mods.

Thanks To:
Raven for making the origonal sabers.