WBA Weapons Test

By Covax
Date: 12-04-2003




WB Academy - Weapons Test

A Jedi Academy MOD assembled by Covax
Presented by Writer's Block Media

Title : WB Academy - Weapons Test
Author : Covax, various others (see Source)
Web Page : http://www.writersblockmedia.com
Author E-Mail : Covax@Rogers.com

File Names : WBA-Wep.pk3
File Size : 8 Mb
Date Released : 31/10/2003


This is a test for getting some of the cool weapons collected in the Dragon Remix mods to work in Jedi Academy. This will replace most guns, sabers and effects.

- Most of the standard sabers and guns have been replaced. Most text has been changed to reflect this.
- The Blaster Pistol, Rifle and Demp have increades fire rates as well as a boost in ammo.
- Sparks and smoke replaced by blood. Stumps are dark red rather than yellow.
- Every one of the weapons leaves a butn mark.
- Force Lightning replaced with a Fire effect.


Unpack in your /GameData/base folder, should work automatically.

[Weapons and Effects]


Blaster Pistol - 'Mach Pistol' by Magnetixxx
- Uses 'Bullets' based off of 'Shuriken Set 1.5' by Laghima

Bryar Pistol - '.357 Magnum' by Lord Hatrus

Blaster Rifle - 'AK-47' by Master Cheif

Bowcaster - Uses 'Arrows' based off of 'Shuriken Set 1.5' by Laghima

G.A. Flechette - 'SPAS-12 Shotgun' by Lord Hatrus and Master Cheif

Disruptor Rifle - 'SIG 501 Sniper Rifle' by Master Cheif
- Alt-fire blows people up

Demp 2 - 'Flamethrower Effects' by Covax and David B

Imperial Repeater - 'M4 Rifle' by Master Cheif
- also uses 'Bullets' based off of 'Shuriken Set 1.5' by Laghima

Gun Impact Effetcs - by Covax and Quigon007

Melle Weapons:

Saber 1 - 'Daywalker Sword' by Magnetixxx, shader by Leper Messiah

Saber 2 - 'Silver Katana' based off 'Katana MOD v1.1' by Ages120, reskin by Covax
- Kyle Katarn has this sword as a default

Saber 3 - 'Zatoichi' by Laghima
- also the default weapon for Luke

Saber 4 - 'Red Eagle' by Charmin Deluxe and BXpress
- Alora will use a pair of these

Saber 5 - 'Blackwolf Sword' based off of 'Ranger Sword' by Sephiroth__VII and KOTORMRJay

Saber 6 - 'Thanatos Sword' based off of 'Ring Wraith Sword' by Sephiroth__VII and KOTORMRJay

Saber 7 - 'Mjolnir Hammer' by Koloth Jar

Saber 8 - 'Kama' by Laghima
- note that these blades 'stick out forward' unlike normal swords.

Saber 9 - 'Toru Katana' by Laghima
- also the default weapon for most Reborn

Dual Saber 1 - 'Naganita' by Laghima
- this is the default weapon for Reborn using a dual-bladed saber

Dual Saber 2 - 'Gandalf's Staff' by Madjai
- this also replaces the Tusken staff

Dual Saber 3 - 'Saruman's Staff' by Madjai
- this replaces the Sith Scepter

Dual Saber 4 - 'Ji Halberd' by Laghima

Dual Saber 5 - This hilt has not been altered, so don't bother using it.

Dessan's Saber - 'Shadow Sword' by Sephiroth__VII, reskin by Covax


Gun - by Psycho Mantis and Magnetixxx
Explosives - 'Jedi Knight 2 To Quake III Arena Weapons Mod' compiled by Chris Sharpe
Swords - 'Katana' by Ages120, 'Buster Sword' by Nick D, 'Tusken Raider' by Major Clod
Force Powers - 'Dark Alliance' by Blaster

[Mics Source Material]

'Starfire's Dismemberment Mod' by Starfire
'Flamethrower beta v.1' by Dark Reaper

[Other Mods to consider]

Reccomended Map:
'The Zeus Academy Ladder' by Zeus

Reccomended Animation Mod:
'5AMURA1 Stances' by Evan Clover

[Errors, Bugs and Issues]

1 - This is not a 'play tested and balanced final build' mod, rather it's a quick and dirty assembly of ideas. If you find some errors or wish to make suggestions feel free.

2 - Both the Ji and Naganita are not held in the 'middle' of the staff. This can cause a playbalance issue (Ji Halberd vs Mjonlir would be a pain...). A real modeler is needed to fix this.

3 - The SIG and M4 guns, when used by the Player, do not shoot from the right place (it's hard to notice in 1st person). A real modeler is needed to fix this.

4 - I haven't found a way to fully enable dismamberment (like slicing heads off in Dragon Remix) without having to use console commands. I'm workin' on it.

[Legal Disclamer]

1 - In no way am I suggesting that I sigularly created any of the skins or models. Knowing me I probably forgot someone. If you see elemets of you own work in this MOD that has nto been credited let me know ASAP and I'll provide due credit.

2 - I don't plan to take credit for this MOD, rather I just want to push for more SP MODs.

3 - Fell free to use any aspect of this MOD, but know full well that it's based on other people's work. Contact me for credit questions.
