Playing Jedi Academy in 2025

Anthem For Saving The Galaxy

By Shawn Za'an II
Date: 11-30-2004



Jedi Knight: Jedi Academy Modification

Mod Name: PZ - Anthem For Saving The Galaxy (Duel Music)

Modder: Shawn Za'an II (a.k.a. Philbo "The Rancor" Za'an a.k.a. Spartan Red)

Mod Type: Duel Mode Music Mod (thank you, Captain Obvious)

Original CD Tracks:
Martin O'Donnell/Michael Salvatori - Halo Original Soundtrack - Truth And Reconciliation Suite
Martin O'Donnell/Michael Salvatori - Halo Original Soundtrack - Rock Anthem For Saving The World

Running Time: 3 mins, 52 seconds (3:52)

Quality: Master Chief would be proud.


Tools Used: Creative Recorder v1.02
Blaze Audio Wave Creator 3 Trial v3.1.0.47
Ease MP3 Wav Converter v1.21

Working Time: Not too long, really. (Then again, I usually try to block it out of my mind.)

Filename: pzAnthemForSavingTheGalaxy.pk3

Size: 3,722,889 bytes. (Too big for you? Byte me.)


Installation: Just drop the .pk3 into your base folder. Make sure it's the only duel
music mod you've got in there, or you'll base will explode (that's what
they tell me, anyhow). I know that the server needs to have the .pk3
if it's a pure server, dunno about others though. (I try to stay out of
all this technical stuff.) So just stick this in base and give it a try.
(And if you just can't seem to hear it on the server, but are dying to hear
some butt-kickin' Halo music, just go to the main screen of JA and type
"/music music/mp/duel" in console.)

Uninstall: Take a wild guess. (That means, take the .pk3 out of base. Duh.)


Contact Info:
MSN Messenger:
Phone Number: 1-1000-555-59-2531-1934071-EAT-IT
Clan: The Jedi Order -


= Personal Reflection ("Everything looks backwards in the mirror...") =

A long time ago, in a galaxy far, far away, a young guy named Philbo Za'an uploaded his new
duel music "Scherzo For Lightsabre And Orchestra" to the great guys at PCGameMods. It got
posted up immediately, and was removed shortly thereafter. This young Philbo said, "Well,
crap on that, then." And he grabbed his duel music, tossed it into an e-mail, aimed, and
fired it at the nearest JK3Files place.

A few millenia later, it finally got posted up. And Philbo was very, very happy with the
review. So happy, in fact, that he finally decided to go ahead and send two more of his
finished duel musicfulnesses - "Anthem For Saving The Galaxy" from the Halo soundtrack and
"Duel With The Steel Beast", another from the IJLC soundtrack. He also finally got around to
sending his Jurancor Park music to Sith-J-Cull, who was so pleased, he asked little Philbo
to start on another music project for him. Philbo more than happily accepted the challenge,
and was ready to get started.

Until all hell broke loose... (BUH-Buh-buhhh...)

So I was all ready to get started on some of this stuff, when I decided I was feeling a tad
left out of the school play. We're doing "Noises Off" this semester, and being pretty big on
acting and such, I couldn't help but audition. This was the first time I didn't get a part
in a play (there's only 9 roles), which was fine by me, because the drama teacher asked me
to do the sound for the play instead. ("Sounds fun", I said. Pun intended.)

Well, being the bored type of person that I was, and being that I didn't actually HAVE to be
at any rehearsals until November 6th, I figured I go ahead and help out with anything I
could anyhow. So I came to the rehearsals anyway, helping to build the set (which rocks, by
the way), helping the Stage Manager and Assistant Stage Manager keep things under control
(two very nice young ladies, by the way), and helping the actors out with... well... acting.

Anyhow, apparently, I was spending a bit too much time there. Because our drama teacher, the
Director for all the plays, decided that seeing as how I was sort of a "legend" in the plays
here at school, I should help out with the play a bit more. Alot more, actually. So she made
up a new position for me: Assistant Director.

I jumped at the opportunity, seeing as how all these people were my friends, and I
considered it a complement to have a new job created just for me. So now I get to help with
additional blocking, improved acting, and teaching the kids how to improvise their way out
of dire situations (I'm a God at that, I tell you). All this was from 3:00 PM to 6:30 PM or
so every day after school. Which really wasn't too bad.

And yeah, then things got worse.

Because THEN, the fine arts department commissioned me to be the escort for our homecoming
candidate. It was only a week-long thing, but every night that week, the homecoming court
went out for activities starting at 6:00 PM, and we finished up every night at around 11:00.

So my days went like this:

Wake up at 6 AM, go to school from 8 to 2:45 PM, play rehearsal from 3 to 6, homecoming
stuff from 6 to at least 11, home by 11:30 or so, shower and homework to 2 AM the next day,
and four hours of sleep before it all repeated. Having the ACT that Saturday didn't help
much either. It was like hell week on 'roids or somethin'.

Anyhow, that's all over now. The play's goin' great, etc. etc. good time happy fun yeah.

Oh. About the music. If Michael Giachinno is the John Williams of game music, then Marty
O'Donnell is the Danny Elfman. His music just kicks so much boo-tay. The soundtrack from
Halo 2, from what I've heard of it so far, is gonna kick even more. So, seeing as how Halo 2
is already comin' out, this ought to be a nice happy music bit for the kids. Unlike my last
duel music mod, this one doesn't loop quite as perfectly. But it should be fine, because
really, it's alot longer than the last one, and in that aspect, it's meant to be good for
both short happy duels and long awexome ones. And if you have a REALLY long awexome one, you
get to hear the rockin' guitar solo. Woohoo for that.

So enjoy the music kids. My thanks go out to Chaos Varsil for gettin' my first music into
the community, Sith-J-Cull for being a rockin' awesome mapper and givin' me some jobs to do,
and Amos Magee over at JK3Files for giving "Scherzo For Lightsabre And Orchestra" such a big
happy good fun review.


= Who In The Bloody Hell Am I? =

Just a little about myself here, or somethin'. As I suggested up there at the top, most
everyone around here calls me Shawn Za'an II or Philbo Za'an, and I've got numerous other
names from role-playing and such. Of course, my real name's Clinton Kubat, resident of
the great nation of the U. S. of A.

Being an aspiring composer myself, I do a lot of studying of stuff from movies, games, and
the like. And obviously, I've gotten into music editing as well. So a lot of my studies are
gonna wind up turning into some nice duel music for the kids. Yaay for them.

I think I'm gettin' the hang of this editing thing (you can decide for yourself, I guess),
and hopefully I could get a job doing some stuff like this and get a little start on my
composing career. (It's either composing or some sort of psychology job, anyhow.)

So uhh... I guess once I finish up college (I'm a senior in high school right now), I'll be
jumping on the typical
psychologist/music-composer/music-editor/actor/voice-actor/writer/garbage-man bandwagon,
and if I'm lucky, you guys may get to see some of my work in action. (Better yet, if anyone
in the community has some true mental health problems, I could be your psychiatrist.)

Wish me luck in the future everybody, and keep an eye open for more of my work.


= Also See... =

Map Music:
Chaos Tomb (for Chaos Varsil's duel map of the same name) []

Duel Music:
Indiana Jones And The Last Crusade - Scherzo For Lightsabre And Orchestra [;31814]
Indiana Jones And The Last Crusade - Duel With The Steel Beast [keep an eye open for it]


= Coming Soon =

Duel Music:
More Indiana Jones duel music.
Some possible duel music from Stargate, Independence Day, Home Alone, Men In Black,
Spider-Man, and whatever else I've got here that I may find useful.

Map Music:
Jurancor Park - Not Endorsed (for Sith-J-Cull's "Jurancor Park" map)
Some more music for another map coming from the mind of Sith-J.
More stuff? (Any mappers out there looking for some music, feel free to come to me.)




You may use this mod for your own mod-making uses, PROVIDED that you include this readme
file, AS WELL as e-mail me telling me that you used it. (Of course, if you're wanting some
music like this for your own mods or something, I'd be more than happy to make some NEW
stuff for you instead.)