Playing Jedi Academy in 2025

Pirates of the Caribbean Duel Music

By TheGreenSaber
Date: 09-07-2004



Pirates of the Caribbean Duel Music

Creator: |ExJK|TheGreenSaber|L|


Filename: Pirates of the Carribbean Duel Music.pk3

Size: 2.4 MB

Length: 2:38

Information: This is music taken form the movie, Pirates of the Caribbean. it is also used in the Star Wars Fanfilm, Spoof Wars. this should be a little more popular than my last submission, Punk Rock Duel music. its a good song don't judge it by the first part listen to the whole thing before you throw it away.

Special Thanks: I like to thank Matt aka. |ExJK|TyranicalFascist|L| who sent me the mp3 and for all his work on Spoof Wars i'd like to thank the rest of the spoofwars staff check it out at see trailers and other cool stuff. and as always a major thanks to the Expendable Jedi Knights Clan.