Playing Jedi Academy in 2025

Punk Rock Duel Music

By TheGreenSaber
Date: 06-29-2004



Punk Rock Duel Music

Creator: <EJK>TheGreenSaber[L] (Wes Stacey)


Filename: punk_rock_duel_music.pk3

Size: 1.61 MB

Songs: selections from "The Anthem" by Good Charolette, "Echo" by Trapt, and "Feelin' This" by Blink182

Length: 4:12

Information: If your like me you are sick of the default duel music but can't find anything that isn't either too distracting or too strange. Well here is something that might help. If you like punk rock you will love this (NOTE: this isn't the super hard rock that some of you might enjoy) it might not be for everyone but it is a solution to wornout default music, freaky Matrix music, or distracting Inuyasha music. This is my first sucessful attempt at making files for JA, I made a skin once but realized i suck at it but i digress. I hope you Enjoy it!!!

Installation: Unzip all included files into your gamedata/base folder and your done, make sure you take out any custom duel music you might already have.

Special Thanks: <EJK>CountDubious[HL] and <EJK>DevMapAll[SL] for their help teaching me about pk3's, and of course the <EJK> clan, without them i wouldn't be playin the game.