Playing Jedi Academy in 2025

Episode 1 Force Sounds

By =Y=Kirov
Date: 01-24-2004



Episode 1 Force Sounds - Mod for JK2/JKA
Author: =Y=Kirov
(=Y= Clan and Yamama Game Servers)

This mod simply replaces the force sounds for push, pull and jump. The
sounds are much more rumbly and thundery with more bass.

Installation: Place Ep1_ForceSounds.pk3 into the Gamedata/Base directory. In
order to uninstall just delete the file which will remove the sounds from
the game.

The sound for force push is replaced by the exact same effect used when
Darth Maul pushes Obi Wan into the hole after killing Qui Gon towards the
end of the Duel of the Fates in Episode 1. This effect is identical to the
movie and has not been altered by me except to lengthen it at the end so
that the sound of obi wans body hitting the ground can be removed. The
sounds for pull and jump are engineered from this effect, and the sound for
jump is made to be similar to the sound heard at the beginning of the duel
in Episode 1, when the duelists exit the main hangar and Darth Maul jumps up
to a level above.

These sounds may not be for everyone. I made them because I think the wooshy
sounds shipped with the game are a bit lame. They are made to my own tastes
and I believe they are reasonably authentic and faithful to the type of
sounds heard in the movies.

Thanks to Quanhan for obtaining the force push sound effect from the Episode
1 DVD for me to use.