Playing Jedi Academy in 2025

Wilhelm Scream

By {DX}LordSlapnutz
Date: 01-07-2004



The Readme file:

This .zip file includes:


Installation Instructions:
Put the wilhelm.pk3 file into your base folder. Easy huh?

This is a sound mod for Jedi Academy. I was playing the single player game the other day, and I threw a stormtrooper off of a ledge in one of the levels, and he made this horrible sounding scream. I thought to myself, this isn't Star Wars. So I made this little sound mod to make them scream the famous "Wilhelm Scream". Now it'll have that scream when you throw a trooper off the ledge, get a one hit kill, and randomly if you just kill them. I hope you like it.

This mod was created by me, {DX}LordSlapnutz.

I give special thanks to:

The {DX} Clan

{DX}Beerswiller, clan Leader and friend

George Lucas

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